
Posts Tagged ‘Year-End’

New Year, New You?

January 1, 2012 1 comment

Ah, New Years Resolutions.  It’s that time again. It’s the start of a brand new year.  A clean slate. A fresh start.  A do-over, maybe.  We’re all shouting resolutions from our rooftops!  We’re going to be more aware of our spending, eat less, go to bed earlier, actually start using that darn gym membership, and lose weight!

But what is a resolution, really, and why do we wait to make them until Jan 1? And why do we fail year after year after year?

Well, because it’s a resolution.  All that means is you’ve determined something about something. And why wait til Jan 1 to think about your finances, your diet, and your health?

What we should all really be doing is thinking ahead, and making a plan!  Making goals. It’s not enough to just determine you should go to the gym.  You have to actually go!  Never put it off.  Not til the new year, not til tomorrow.

Goals are different than resolutions.  It’s the difference between a thought and an action.  And that’s a big difference; most likely between failing and succeeding.

So how do you stop this cycle of failing year after year, and start succeeding?  You need a plan.  If you’ve decided you’re going to start going to the gym, determine when you’re going to go.  Maybe early in the morning before you have to get your kids up, or on your lunch break or at night after your kids are in bed.  Choose whatever is the most convenient and the easiest to keep doing.  So what are you going to do while you’re at the gym?  If you’re anything like me, the gym can be very intimidating!  I had a membership at several different gyms for years before I decided I was going to learn how to actually use the facility.  Lack of knowledge can really hold you back, so I would absolutely suggest you take advantage of any free personal training sessions your gym offers.  Most do.  Have them help you create a plan.

After you’ve created a detailed plan, stick to it.  It’s easy to get bored, or too tired or too busy.  But when it comes down to it, you make time for what is important.  Your health is important, by the way.

Don’t focus on having everything right away.  Have patience.  The point is to keep doing.  Keep being active.  Keep getting to the gym.  Progress is just as important as that goal you’re working towards.  Be positive and know you can do it.  And you are worth it, too.

The best tools for my success that I discovered in 2011 were:

1. TWITTER!  There is a world of people out there that want you to succeed!  Thousands of people willing to share their stories of struggles and success with you.  There are people just like you, or people who were just like you, just starting out, who now have ran marathons, ultra marathons even.  People who have worked hard and lost 70+lbs for all different reasons.  These people are positive and you can learn from them.  Twitter has been extremely helpful for me! (You can follow me: @Critizzle)

2. COACHES/TRAINERS.  It’s all about the teachers.  They don’t have to be actual coaches or personal trainers (but it’s a plus if they are).  They can be your friends or husband, or running buddy.  Anyone who can show you how to get stronger, anyone you can learn from or that motivates you.  Group training personally helped me.  Twice a week I ran with other runners.  I also did a spin class.  Anything that makes you feel a part of something great is a fantastic way to stay on track.

3. BLOGS.  Again, it’s another way to learn.  All three of these tools have allowed me to immerse myself in fitness.  Blogs are good because it’s a closer look into people’s journeys.  It can be personal and inspiring.  I’ve found that most of the people I love on Twitter also have blogs.  I can’t even count the number of blogs I have read and loved.

A couple I suggest, are: and and

Check them out if you want to be inspired and motivated!  So good luck everyone, on your goals for this year.  You can do it!

My Last Miles of 2011.

January 1, 2012 1 comment

We woke up early on the very last day of 2011 for one final 5k in San Francisco. The fact that it was at Golden Gate Park made it that much more exciting… not to mention that it was a beautiful sunny day!

The first part of the 5k took me by a gorgeous waterfall (that I wish I could have taken a picture of), and the rest of the run was super pretty.

It was fun running through the park, past a big pond. Those paddle boats were looking pretty tempting this morning!

This was my 7th 5k for the year and it was my strongest. I ran it in about 34 minutes (it wasn’t timed) and even though my fastest is 33, I actually noticed a huge improvement in my endurance this morning. I’m proud of myself. About 10 minutes in all I could think in my mind was “HOLY HILLS!” It was hilly, nearly the whole time. I wanted to walk and rest so bad at first, but I pushed myself further and unlike in any of those other races, I ran this ENTIRE thing. Hills and all. Woo hoo!

I felt great when I was done and am so happy I didn’t let being sick for 3 weeks this month, and the holiday-goodies that have been everywhere I look completely sabotage my plan. I really did finish 2011 STRONG.

Water first… then….

Mimosas!!!  lol  Happy New Years everyone!  Can’t wait to get fitter in 2012!


Ending 2011 Strong, Entering 2012 Stronger

December 20, 2011 1 comment

I ended November by logging my most weekly miles yet: 19.5.  Even with Thanksgiving and traveling…. But….

December is a slippery slope.

After returning back home from our trip to Oregon, I got sick.  And I stayed sick for 3 weeks!  On top of that, my diet suffered with all the cookies and eggnog and treats galore!  It’s hard to resist this time of year.  Between all the sweet temptations and festive commitments (which offer even more goodies), I was finding it nearly impossible to maintain balance.  The holidays (plus being sick) was taking a terrible toll on my routine.

I wanted to write December off.  It’s a wash.

Then I started thinking about 2011, with it coming to an end and all.  I thought about all the running events I participated in.  About how I couldn’t even run for 30 seconds a year ago, and how much stronger I’ve gotten today as I train for my first Half Marathon.  I can’t let myself close out this amazing year stuffing my face with cookies, putting off progress and ignoring my goals.  I want to end 2011 STRONG.  And go into 2012 even STRONGER.

So I’m back at it.  Tackled double workouts yesterday, and eased back into my miles.  I’ve registered for one last 5k on New Years Eve morning… just for fun, and to close out 2011 surrounded by thousands of other runners in San Francisco.  It doesn’t get much more motivating than that!